10 Movie Secrets They'll Never Tell You

3. Does Rose Die At The End? - Titanic

Total Recall

Titanic is an unapologetic heart-on-sleeve movie that doesn't leave much for the audience to debate, though its final scene is nevertheless incredibly vague.

When an elderly Rose (Gloria Stuart) goes to sleep and James Cameron cuts to a vision of a younger Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) meeting on Titanic's Grand Staircase, the audience is left to decide for themselves whether Rose is dreaming about Jack or has died and been reunited with him in the hereafter.

Don't expect Cameron to ever demystify the situation, though, as on Titanic's DVD commentary he flatly rubbished the idea of ever doing so:

"The big ambiguity here is 'Is she alive and dreaming?' or 'Is she dead and on her way to Titanic heaven?' I'll never tell. Of course, I know what we intended...The answer has to be something you supply personally, individually."

Hell, Cameron even refused to fully explain the scene to actress Gloria Foster when it was being shot, telling her, "You don't need to know!"

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Total Recall
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.