10 Movie Sequel Teases That Went Absolutely Nowhere

8 Super Mario Bros

Super Mario Bros Ending
Buena Vista Pictures

The Scene

Right at the end of the weird, not-very-good big screen debut of the Super Mario Bros, Princess Diasy bursts into the titular pair's apartment wielding a big gun saying "Guys... you're not going to believe this". Everyone follows her out and that's the end.

What It Teased

Talk about clickbait. Though there's no hint of what the Super Mario Bros are going to believe, the implication is obviously that Daisy has a mission for them that involves something big enough to justify that sort of weaponry.


Despite the strength of the Mario brand, the film only pulled in a little over $20m at the box office (despite costing almost $50m) and any chance of a sequel was killed dead on the spot.

The events after the film ends were dealt with in a comic in 2013, but that's just not the same.


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