10 Movie Sequels Nobody Asked For

2. S. Darko

25 S. Darko is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Donnie Darko, which is a film that should never have been sequelised, as literally nothing would ever live up to it. For some reason, the sequel follows his sister, because why the hell not? It takes a few surface elements from Donnie Darko and creates a muddled storyline with lots of exposition in the dialogue, one dimensional characters and terrible acting in general. It's a mixture of a road-trip and sci-fi movie, beginning with a group of teenagers who end up getting stuck in a backwoods hick town where all the characters are one-dimensional, and through a bizarre series of dreams they find out the world is going to end on July 4th 1995 (Spoiler, it doesn't!). There's huge flaws in logic that make the film completely fail the Universe theory set up in the first film. So, apparently, this film was created purely to trash the work of a classic. But that's not the worst thing about this movie. It's the acting. There's no interaction between the actors, it feels like all they're doing is saying the lines to each other, because it's quite clear they're there for the paycheck. And, deep down, if the actors don't care, why should the audience?

3rd Year Film and Television Production student at Edge Hill University. Writer of "Stockton's Last Stand" and screenwriter/director of "Hunted" and "Spyfail 2: The Search for Spyfail 1". I also do stand-up comedy sometimes... I'm told I'm marginally funny.