10 Movie Sequels That Are FINALLY Happening

4. Cliffhanger 2

lord of war nicolas cage
TriStar Pictures

Sylvester Stallone's Cliffhanger was a major commercial success in 1993, so it seemed a sure given that Stallone, never a man to shy away from a sequel, would get a second film into production in short order.

Though Cliffhanger 2 began development in 1994, it went through various iterations over the decades that followed, including both a direct sequel and a soft reboot focused on a younger cast. Then, last May saw Cliffhanger 2 re-announced as a legacy sequel, starring Stallone and set to be directed by Jean-François Richet (Plane), with the new film taking Sly's protagonist Gabe Walker to the Italian Alps.

Much as many assumed that the now-77-year-old Stallone had surely aged out of such a physical project, the plot will reportedly see Gabe taken hostage, requiring his daughter to use her climbing skills to subdue the kidnappers.

The production received €2m in funding from a German production fund late last year, so it's safe to say that Cliffhanger 2 is actually, finally, coming to fruition. It's clearly something that should've happened when Sly was in his physical prime, but passing the baton to a younger lead - rather than pretending Sly isn't pushing 80 - is certainly an intriguing wrinkle.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.