10 Movie Sequels That Brought Characters Back In The Worst Way Possible

1. Darth Maul - Solo: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars Darth Maul

Solo: A Stars Wars story was a pretty unremarkable movie in the grand scheme of things. Sure it was fun, but the plot itself was pretty much guessed entirely before fans even saw the film, with every narrative beat identified a mile off. The one exception to that, however, was the appearance of Darth Maul.

Turning out to be the big boss to both Paul Bettany's Dryden Vos and Emilia Clarke's Qi'ra, Maul reappeared for the first time in the series since his execution in The Phantom Menace. With a new set of robo-legs, the villain has left his Sith moniker behind and become a criminal, but outside of a brief hologram appearance, that's pretty much all Solo establishes about the returning character.

Maul being alive is emblematic of the very worst kind of sequel-baiting, a piece of fan service that doesn't at all work in the context of this specific narrative. Even worse it teased a follow up that probably won't happen, and even if it did, would require plenty of mental gymnastics to actually make sense.

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Jeff Goldblum
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3