10 Movie Sequels That Brought Characters Back In The Worst Way Possible

2. Blofeld - For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only Blofeld
United Artists

While James Bond has amassed a rogues gallery just as iconic as any comic-book superhero, few of his enemies match the rivalry he had with Blofeld. One of the most instantly recognisable Bond villains, Blofeld initially appeared from the shadows as a puppet master, going on to be featured in five instalments in the spy saga.

He also appeared in the opening scene of For Your Eyes Only, however here he was brought back simply to be killed off in the most unceremonious manner ever. Thanks to a behind-the-scenes dispute, the villain was purposefully discarded out of spite, with no resolution and him not even being given the dignity of a single close-up.

Instead, Bond rocks up and drops Blofeld - who wasn't even legally allowed to be credited, so instead is named "bald villain in wheelchair" in the credits - down a chimney, an act of revenge which overshadowed much of the actual movie.

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Jeff Goldblum
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