10 Movie Sequels That Changed Their Franchise's Genre

7. Terminator 2 - Slasher To Action

Aliens Ripley And Newt
TriStar Pictures

The first Terminator is undeniably a horror movie, just one that happens to give a chilling explanation for how seemingly indestructible its slasher movie villain is, and why he's so fixated on this one 80's suburban brat: he's a robot from the future, and she's set to give birth to the killer of his AI masters. It's a gritty, often claustrophobic horror movie, making sure we never forget just how much danger our heroine is in, and how earned her victory is by the end.

However, now James Cameron has a problem. The same problem that plagues all of these high concept 80's slasher movies: what now? The killer has been revealed, we know pretty much all we need to know, so how can it scare us? The answer is that it can't, so Cameron knew he shouldn't even bother. As such, he switched gears with a higher budget, and made the sequel a high octane sci-fi action movie, with some horror elements.

And what we got was one of the all time greatest action films of all time. Unlike First Blood Part 2, however, Terminator 2 stays true to the themes and ideas of the first movie. Simply transplanting them into a different genre where they can better thrive.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?