10 Movie Sequels That Changed Their Franchise's Genre

6. Army Of Darkness - Horror To Fantasy Comedy

Aliens Ripley And Newt

If there is any franchise that defines dark comedy in the modern age, it has to be Evil Dead. With its mix of genuine frights and loony toons rooted slapstick and wordplay, Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 has become a representative of its subgenre, to the point where it's considered cliched by the modern standards of said subgenre.

So how do you top both of them for the third film? After all, most horror buffs consider Evil Dead 2 to be completely without flaw. Well, in a situation like this, the answer - as always - is to play a completely different game. Which is why Sam Raimi, though not abandoning his horror roots for Army Of Darkness, decided to shift gears into more of a dark fantasy comedy.

This movie takes everything associated with the fantasy genre through the grinder, and mocks the hamburger remains that come out the other end. While the film does take time to remember to tell an actually compelling narrative filled with fun and likable characters, it never takes them all that seriously. Even the bleak as hell director's cut ending still has an air of goofiness about it, since it was caused by Ash being a complete dunderhead.

Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 may have been comedic, but Army Of Darkness is a straight up comedy. And we love it for that.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?