10 Movie Sequels That MOCKED What Fans Hated

2. Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Mocked All Of Kevin Smith's Failed Movies

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot
Saban Films

Talking of meta movies, there are few filmmakers as relentlessly self-aware as Kevin Smith, who has effectively created an entire brand built on nostalgia-fuelled self-mockery.

The vast majority of the films in Smith's "View Askewniverse" have lovingly poked fun at Smith's obsession with pop-culture, while the Jay and Silent Bob movies in particular have seen the writer-director take shot at his own deficiencies as a filmmaker.

This reached its apex with the recent Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, which might honestly be the most meta movie in existence.

Beyond the dozens and dozens of outrageous cameos, there are also countless references to the director's failed movies, namely Jersey Girl, Cop Out, Tusk, and Yoga Hosers.

Hilariously, when one character pulls a gun on Smith, who appears in the film as both Silent Bob and a not-so-fictionalised version of himself, a character says of the shooter, "She probably paid to see Yoga Hosers!"

Though none of these mocked movies are technically part of the Askewniverse, the fact that Smith and his filmography now clearly exists within the franchise basically means that all bets are off - any film Smith has made is, in some twisted way, part of the same insane narrative fabric.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.