10 Movie Sequels That Took 30 Years To Make

7. Mary Poppins Returns

Mary Poppins Returns Emily Blunt

Time Between: 54 years, 3 months

In total fairness, the gap between Mary Poppins and its 2018 sequel is a tad above 30 years, and perhaps most hilariously of all, more than double that of the 25-year narrative time skip between the two films themselves.

Given the near-universal love for the original Julie Andrews-starring 1964 musical, there was a certain understandable scepticism about the project pre-release, though much of that was quelled by the note-perfect casting of Emily Blunt as the titular magical nanny.

Was It Worth The Wait?

Definitely. Though Mary Poppins Returns didn't quite set the world alight as Disney surely expected, it was nevertheless a charming, nostalgic treat boosted enormously by Blunt's fantastic performance and a glut of slick, infectiously catchy new musical numbers. And that Dick Van Dyke cameo, of course.

Few are going to argue that the film needed to get made, but considering how utterly thankless a task it is to follow-up a beloved classic that's over a half-century old, the end result was largely a rousing success.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.