10 Movie Sequels That Took 30 Years To Make

6. Halloween

Halloween 2018 Ending

Time Between: 39 years, 11 months

As has become a bit of a trend in recent years, 2018's new Halloween movie ignores all the bad sequels and operates as a direct follow-up to John Carpenter's 1978 original, following Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) as she prepares for one "final" showdown with The Shape himself.

Director David Gordon Green and co-writer Danny McBride were certainly left-field choices to resurrect the franchise, but with Curtis back as a grizzled, Sarah Connor-esque survivalist heroine, it could hardly be worse than what came before, right?

Was It Worth The Wait?

Absolutely. Though the film isn't without its issues - namely some obviously ad-libbed "comedy" that falls totally flat - Green and co. delivered a fitting sequel to the original movie, with Curtis finally able to reclaim her final girl's dignity with the film's more modest and gritty style.

No longer did Halloween feel silly and disposable: there was meat on these bones, and it was abundantly clear that Green cared deeply about making the series relevant again.

The sequel, Halloween Kills, is already in the can and due for release later this year, while shooting will soon begin on the second sequel, Halloween Ends, due out in late 2021.

Fingers are crossed that Green has enough creative juice not to make Halloween a parody of itself once again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.