10 Movie Sequels That Were Sent Out To Die

5. Dark Phoenix

Fantastic Beasts Secrets Of Dumbledore
20th Century Studios

Experiencing its fair share of highs and lows over the course of over 15 years of big screen adventures, Fox's X-Men franchise appeared to be going out with an attempted bang as Simon Kinberg's latest stab at the much-beloved Dark Phoenix storyline made its way into existence in 2019.

Yet, some badly received test screenings soon forced Kinberg to reshoot the entire closing sequence of the flick before its originally planned November 2018 release. And while reshoots have sometimes opened the door for a finer product to take the place of what came before it, that was most definitely not the case for this limp ensemble ending.

A collection of a thrown together climax, actors not being entirely invested in their roles, unadventurous trailers, and the Fox-Disney merger supposedly causing the eventual marketing campaign to fall flat on its arse all resulted in Dark Phoenix looking like a disaster-in-waiting.

Sure enough, outside of a New Mutants flop released in the middle of the pandemic, Dark Phoenix became the worst performer in X-Men's Fox history at the box office and the worst reviewed entry in the franchise's run.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...