10 Movie Sequels You Didn't Realise Were Happening

8. Cloverfield Sequel

Constantine 2 Keanu Reeves
Paramount Pictures

Just when you thought you'd seen the last of the routinely unexpected and unsettling doses of sci-fi often found within the Cloverfield universe, it turns out that Paramount Pictures are far from finished with this particular anthology series.

As reported by Deadline last month, yet another dose of Cloverfield madness is set to be unleashed by the studio on the back of the last entry in the series by the name of The Cloverfield Paradox, released on that occasion by Netflix, not exactly setting the world on fire.

This next instalment will see Babak Anvari directing and Joe Barton penning a script that, as with just about any Cloverfield project, has had its details kept strictly under wraps at this current moment in time. Though it is worth noting how the upcoming sequel's producer J.J. Abrams was quick to state that the film would be "a true, dedicated Cloverfield sequel" when nudged on the matter at 2018's CinemaCon.

Could this be a more traditional follow-up to 2008's found-footage smash-hit?

Sources are already stating said found-footage style won't be present, so it remains to be seen what Abrams and his team are cooking up with this latest piece of Cloverfield chaos.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...