10 Movie Stars Who Ruined Their Own Movies

7. Dwayne Johnson - Black Adam

The Mummy Tom Cruise
Warner Bros. Pictures

It's genuinely shocking that it took Hollywood so long to make a superhero movie starring Dwayne Johnson, though Johnson admittedly spent the better part of a decade trying to get Black Adam made.

Johnson, nothing if not a PR workhorse, repeatedly claimed that the blockbuster would change the "hierarchy of power in the DC universe," but upon release many fans of the character were miffed by one major creative choice.

Ultimately Johnson, who hasn't played an outright villain in years at this point, decided to rework Black Adam - a noted villain in the comics - into a more dubious anti-hero character who, by film's end, unambiguously becomes a superhero.

In the comics Black Adam is Shazam's evil nemesis, straight-up, yet because Johnson has to have it his own way and be the hero, he reshaped the core of the character in a manner that satisfied precisely nobody.

To fans it was a sacrilegious change, while to those new to the character he was just a generic, garden variety anti-hero.

As a result Black Adam released to a whiff of indifference from everyone, causing the speedy cancellation of a planned sequel before the DCEU was soft-rebooted, with Johnson being unlikely to play the part ever again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.