10 Movie Stars Who Ruined Their Own Movies

6. Roger Moore - A View To A Kill

The Mummy Tom Cruise

A View to a Kill was Roger Moore's seventh and final outing as James Bond, and is perhaps cinema's all-time great example of an actor not knowing when to walk away from an iconic, star-making role.

Some critics already felt that Moore was too old in the previous film, Octopussy, and while shooting A View to a Kill, he turned 57 years of age.

Despite only two years passing between these films, Moore had aged noticeably since Octopussy, which made him considerably less persuasive as both an action hero and a romantic lead.

Action was never Moore's forte as 007, but here director John Glen was forced to awkwardly cut around Moore's stiff physicality to try and impress he could still go, while both of his screen lovers - Tanya Roberts and Grace Jones - were over 20 years his junior. Awkward.

Moore, ever a good sport, confessed in later years that he was "only about four hundred years too old" to play Bond at this point, yet seemingly unable to turn down a final $7.5 million payday, he starred in one Bond film too many and ensured his exit was a total laughing stock.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.