10 Movie Stars Who Ruined Their Own Movies

5. Sylvester Stallone - Judge Dredd

The Mummy Tom Cruise
Buena Vista Pictures

On paper, Sylvester Stallone actually seemed like a pretty great choice to play Judge Dredd - he certainly had the look down pat, but at the peak of his cinematic powers in the mid-'90s, of course things wouldn't be that simple.

First and foremost Stallone hadn't actually heard of the iconic comic book character before being cast, and so it was little surprise that he made basically no effort to respect the source material.

For starters, he signed onto the movie believing it to be an action-comedy, and so insisted upon rewrites to make it funnier, even as suffering director Danny Cannon was desperately trying to tap into the darker elements of the comic.

But the single change that pissed fans off the most? Dredd spending most of the movie with his helmet off, despite never doing so in the comics.

While it's never been confirmed if this was a change mandated by Stallone or the studio, it's clear that somebody high up the food chain refused to keep Stallone's chiselled mug under a helmet, which suggests he was wrong for the part all along.

Thankfully we at least eventually got 2012's hugely superior Dredd reboot, where star Karl Urban indeed stayed helmeted-up for the entire film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.