10 Movie Stunts That Went Horribly Wrong
4. Jackie Chan's Several Injuries - Police Story

Even in his sixties, Jackie Chan is fitter and more agile than some of us could ever hope to be. Trained in the martial arts of wushu, kung fu and hapkido, his skills have allowed him to be one of the most globally recognised celebrities in cinema. From stunt performing to film directing - as well as singing and screenwriting - he seems to be good at doing just about anything
Although Chan impressively put his life on the line for several movies, one of the closest calls to his career ending was during production of the 1985 film Police Story, where Chan suffered a plethora of injuries during his stunt performances, including almost being paralysed.
During the film's famous pole sliding scene, Jackie suffered third degree burns on his hands, almost broke the seventh and eight vertebrae on his spine, dislocated his pelvis and as a result, was almost made paraplegic. There was also another instance where Chan flips over the balcony and crashes through the glass and light display, and had to be hospitalised because he stopped breathing.
After this feature, the insurance on Jackie Chan movies grew increasingly expensive.