10 Movie Sub-Plots That Were More Interesting Than The Main Story

3. Inigo Montoya's Quest - The Princess Bride (1987)

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20th Century Fox

Rob Reiner's critically acclaimed swashbuckling romance The Princess Bride revolves around Buttercup, the daughter of a Renaissance Era farmer in the fictional country of Florin. When Buttercup falls in love with Westley, the smitten farmhand leaves to seek his fortune so that they can marry, but his ship is attacked by pirates and he is presumed dead.

Five years later, after no word from Westley, Buttercup agrees to marry Humperdinck, the Crown Prince of Florin. Before the wedding can take place, however, Buttercup is kidnapped by a trio of bandits, and this is when one of the film's subplots begins to take centre stage.

While viewers are supposed to be more concerned about Buttercup and Westley (who isn't dead, after all) reconciling and finally being able to tie the knot, master swordsman Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) and his quest to avenge his father's death becomes the far more interesting thread.

Montoya was just a 10-years-old when his father, a renowned sword craftsman, was killed by the dastardly Count Rugen over a dispute involving a blade made to fit the Count's six-fingered right hand. After witnessing the murder, the young Inigo devotes his life to swordplay and vows to hunt Rugen down.

Inigo's revenge is far more satisfying than Buttercup and Westley's reunion, and a character that starts as a henchman ends up stealing the limelight from the star-crossed lovers with a sub-plot worthy of its own movie.


Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.