10 Movie Sub-Plots That Were More Interesting Than The Main Story

2. Mr Green's Wings - The Night Before (2015)

KIll Bill O Ren 2
Columbia Pictures

50/50 co-stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen are joined onscreen by Anthony Mackie in this festive comedy about three friends who have spent every Christmas Eve together since one of them lost their parents a decade ago. The film revolves around Isaac (Rogen) and Chris (Mackie) wanting to bring their annual tradition to an end with one last big night, though they worry that Ethan (Gordon-Levitt) still isn't ready to move on.

Seth Rogen's name on a movie practically guarantees that weed will be smoked at some stage, and The Night Before features his best dealer yet. As the boys prepare to get their night underway they contact their old high school supplier Mr Green (Michael Shannon), the first of three encounters the friends have with the pot dealer over the course of the evening.

While the main plot revolves around the trio's personal demons (Ethan's inability to move on after his parents' death, Isaac's fears of becoming a parent and Chris' steroid use) the highlights of this good-but-not-great comedy come from Shannon's brilliantly dry (and high) character, their guardian angel. Literally.

Upon their separate meetings with Mr Green he offers each friend a different type of weed - past, present and future, he calls them - which helps them to see the right path. As a result, Mr Green gets his wings and becomes a fully blown angel. And his father is Santa Claus. If this isn't a character that deserved more screen time I don't know what is.


Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.