10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

1. Daredevil (Daredevil)

Ang Lee Hulk

Daredevil's cinematic cut was a mess. It was hacked to pieces in the editing room and the version which ended up on the big screen arrived with its heart ripped out. Redeeming features are few and far between in this iteration of the Ben Affleck-fronted superhero film, but special effects might have been among them if it wasn't for the final act.

During the Man Without Fear's final showdown with Colin Farrell's Bullseye, the two combatants end up facing off on top of a ridiculously large pipe organ; except it's not actually them. It's a pair of cheap-looking digital stunt doubles.

Digital doubles can work if you have the budget and the technology to create them convincingly, but it seems Daredevil had neither back in 2003, so the sequence ended up resembling a video game boss fight... from the PSone era.

How this scene didn't end up joining the masses of exorcised footage on the cutting room floor is a mystery.

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