10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

2. Wolverine (X-Men Origins)

Ang Lee Hulk

There aren't too many positives to draw from X-Men Origins: Wolverine beyond the mindblowing war montage at the start, but the fans should at least have been able to rely on Logan's solo debut to produce half-decent special effects.

Three X-Men movies preceded the film and they had no problems portraying Wolvie's Adamantium claw pop using practical props. For some reason, the Origins creative team thought it was a good idea to use shoddy CGI for this instead.

Wolverine's digital claws look hideous throughout the film. In most scenes, they appear to be hovering awkwardly over his knuckles, rather than protruding from them.

To say they look like they've been created using Photoshop is an insult to a useful piece of image-editing software that has been the industry standard for years.

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