10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

7. The Hulk (Ang Lee's Hulk)

Ang Lee Hulk
Universal Pictures

There wasn't much down for the Hulk when Ang Lee and his creative team decided that he should be all-CGI back in 2003. This was just 12 months on from The Scorpion King, the yardstick against which all horrible digital effects are measured.

Technology didn't move on anywhere near enough to make the Green Goliath look even halfway convincing, or even tangible. Post-transformation, it was basically lead actor Eric Bana's face superimposed onto a mass of ugly green plastic.

In all fairness, The Hulk's biggest problem was that there was far too much talking and nowhere near enough smashing, but the dodgy CGI didn't help matters.

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