10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

6. The Fantastic Four (Any FF Movie)

Ang Lee Hulk

All three Fantastic Four movies that have been released to date have one thing in common: they're all terrible, and abysmal CGI is part of the reason.

The stretchy digital effects used to portray Reed Richards's superpower is arguably the worst offender in every case, often creating the illusion that his body parts have been replaced by Plasticine. This is more excusable in the Tim Story originals, given that they're over a decade old. Josh Trank's reviled reboot has no such excuse.

Several special effects-heavy scenes look patchy in the 2015 movie, the result of extensive reshoots that everyone involved completed half-heartedly. The Human Torch’s flames, for instance, extinguish and relight between shots.

Goofy CG is a running theme in the Fantastic Four movie series. In three attempts, filmmakers have proved incapable of representing the gang's powers convincingly. Hopefully, this will change if/when Marvel reclaims the rights to the property.

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