10 Movie Supervillains Ruined By Botched CGI

1. Parallax (Green Lantern)

The Incredible Hulk Abomination
Warner Bros.

Many things about Warner Bros' critically-panned Green Lantern movie were poorly thought out, but a special mention goes to its spectacular mishandling of the villain Parallax. From design to execution, the cosmic force of evil was a disaster so unmitigated that even Clancy Brown's reliable vocals couldn't save it.

Dodgy CGI alone was the culprit here. At no point did the audience believe that something resembling a pile of computerised space vomit could pose a credible threat to the universe. The movie's big, final-act reveal was dead on arrival.

As Deadpool was quick to remind us, Hal Jordan's digitally-rendered super duds looked distractingly artificial throughout the film's duration, but Green Lantern really saved the worst for last by rolling out this computerised abomination at the death.

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