10 Movie Supervillains Ruined By Botched CGI

2. Deacon Frost (Blade)

The Incredible Hulk Abomination
New Line Cinema

Stephen Dorff's Deacon Frost is a vampire who sucks in more ways than one. The Blade villain is far from a terrible antagonist but he was let down spectacularly by the special effects used to convey his superpowers during the movie's final act.

Looking back at Blade in 2018, it's littered with what now comes across as shoddy CGI. Bad guys explode into a shower of digitised sparks, but the action is bombastic enough to overshadow these flaws, for the most part, at least.

What doesn't hold up is the final battle between Wesley Snipes's vampire slayer and Frost, during which the bad guy is infused with the power of the ancient blood god La Magra. This gives him the ability to regrow his severed limbs, but not without showcasing just how ropey 1990s digital effects could be.


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