10 Movie Trailers That Totally Trolled Audiences

2. The Place Beyond The Pines

Ryan Gosling Place Beyond The Pines
Focus Features

The trailers for Derek Cianfrance's fantastic crime thriller revolved around Ryan Gosling's beleaguered protagonist Luke Glanton, a motorcycle stuntman who turns to a life of crime - specifically, robbing banks - in order to provide for his young son.

The marketing also played-up a terrific ensemble cast, introducing Bradley Cooper as a cop, Avery Cross, implied to be chasing Glanton down over the course of the movie.

But The Place Beyond the Pines' plot actually plays out very differently. Luke is shot and killed by Cross just 50 minutes into the 140-minute runtime, after which there's a 15-year time jump and the rest of the film focuses on both Cross' political career and the lives of his and Luke's teenage sons (Emory Cohen and Dane DeHaan).

For audiences drawn to the film largely on the basis of Gosling's presence, it was undeniably misleading for him to be iced at the end of act one, but the film is nevertheless so richly compelling that the deception was ultimately well worth it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.