10 Movie & TV Spoilers We Didn't Know Last Week (4th Sept)

1. Agents of SHIELD Teases Season 2

Along with a couple of exciting teasers for the show's season 2, Executive Producer and co-showrunner Jeffrey Bell had some words to say about how the show will take off on its season premiere on September 23rd (via TV Line):
"Once we could say the word HYDRA, it's been a sprint, and we're planning to just keep sprinting." As the newly named director of the broken S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson "will have to make some hard decisions," as Nick Fury regularly did, "but unofficially, on the run and with people gunning for him," says Bell. The season opener will efficiently address the many burning Qs in play, including, "We've caught Ward, but what does that mean?"
What indeed? Above is a new picture of Director Coulson's new office, which is reportedly situated in an old SSR (Strategic Science Reserve) bunker that no-one in Hydra or SHIELD (except Nick Fury) knew about before The Winter Soldier went down. Below is the teaser for season 2, and we can probably expect a few more of these in the weeks to come: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AdaGcC9Ltk

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.