10 Movie & TV Spoilers You Didn't Know Last Week (10th June)

1. Terminator Genysis Is The "Official" Third Movie In Franchise, Decides James Cameron

James Cameron, super rich film director and Lord Commander of the Terminator movies, recently spoke out about the upcoming reboot/remake/whatever it is Terminator Genysis, and - despite having absolutely no involvement in the making of the movie whatsoever - apparently decided that it is in fact the "official" third movie in the canon, thus annihilating Terminator 3 and Terminator: Salvation from existence - just like that! Speaking out about Genysis, here's what ol' Jim had to say on the matter:
€œI feel like the franchise has been reinvigorated, like this is a renaissance. The new film, which I think of as the third film , you see take the character even further. I had no idea what to expect sitting down, I had no involvement in making this film. If you like the Terminator films, you€™re gonna love this movie. The idea of taking John Connor and flipping him to the bad guy, it€™s kinda cool, because you got to riff against expectations. It€™s all about the twists.€
Cameron is a renowned perfectionist, of course, and his supportive words here seem to suggest that Terminator Genysis is actually a pretty good movie - or, at least, a better movie than Terminator 3 and Terminator: Salvation. Not exactly difficult, but still...

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.