10 Movie Universes That Make NO SENSE

5. Transformers

Hugh Jackman X-Men

Michael Bay's Transformers movies are collectively a loud, excessive exercise in throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Though it shouldn't be that difficult to make a fun kid-and-their-pet-robot movie out of the IP - as the recent Bumblebee actually proved - Bay typically funnelled his energies into glossy, chaotic Bayhem rather than anything approaching a holistic movie world.

Trying to keep track of the various technological trinkets, doodads, and MacGuffins throughout the films is a full-time job, not to ignore the ever-shifting allegiances of the various corruptible robots and a whispered-about wider world in space.

To date the series has cycled through three protagonists, randomly ditched characters both main and supporting, and attempted to hilariously shoehorn the Transformers into historical events like World War II and the Apollo 11 Moon landings, despite humanity at large somehow still not being aware of their existence.

By the time the series incorporates freaking Arthurian legend and you've got Autobots hanging out with Merlin (Stanley Tucci) and dinosaur-robots showing up, you just have to throw your hands up and say, "F**k it, why not?"

A pile of new Transformers movies are currently in development, and there's little chance any of them will manage to make much sense of this tangled storytelling web. It's probably best to not even try, honestly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.