10 Movie Villain Reveals That Were Genuinely Surprising

1. Rose - Get Out

Get Out Death
Universal Pictures

Although there's clearly something amiss during Get Out's narrative, the one seeming constant is the central relationship between Chris and Rose. While Rose's white family's reaction to Chris gives way to a full-blown conspiracy later in the movie, she always seems like the normal one, aware of what her boyfriend must be feeling and open-minded about what might be going on.

However, just when the two look like they're about to escape, it's revealed that Rose is worse than any of her family. Rather than an unknowing party, the character has actually been luring black men to the house for years, using her affection to manipulate them into becoming victims.

The twist feels like you've been personally fooled by her when it finally comes, and it truly isolates Chris, accentuating the horror even more. Realising the connection these two lovers had was a whole lie, and having to watch them then trying to kill each other made Get Out's third act one of the best of the decade so far.


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