10 Movie Villain Reveals That Were Genuinely Surprising

5. Buddy - Baby Driver

Jon Hamm Baby Driver

While Baby Driver's action sequences and music get a lot of love, the way its screenplay constantly keeps you guessing as to who's going to end up being the main villain is just as impressive. Initially it seems as though it could be Kevin Spacey's Doc, and then Jamie Foxx's hotheaded Bats, while Jon Hamm's good-natured Buddy never seems to be in contention.

More concerned with his girlfriend than he is with gaining power, Buddy is one of the few criminals who gets a proper backstory in the film, with his relationship with Darling at worst being a reflection of what Baby and Debora could end up becoming.

When Darling is killed in a police shootout that Baby was indirectly responsible for, though, he goes off the deep end and on a murderous rampage. Hellbent on killing the man he blames for ruining his life, he ends up being the third act's big bad - a fact made even more ironic considering his lovable criminal moniker.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3