10 Movie Villains Killed By Their Own Weapons

8. Cypher - The Matrix (1999)

Cypher The Matrix
Warner Bros.

In a post-apocalyptic world, stuck on a ship navigating a seemingly endless network of sentinel-infested tunnels, the last thing you need is a traitor among the group. But lo and behold, they've got one!

Cypher is part of Morpheus's small band of freedom fighters aboard the Nebuchadnezzar. Like the others, he took the red pill when offered, causing him to awaken from the Matrix and see the world as it really is. And he really, really doesn't like it.

Despite knowing it's not real, Cypher is desperate to return to the Matrix and live out his life in blissful ignorance. He makes a deal with the AI peacekeeper, Agent Smith, to hand over Morpheus, and in exchange, he will be plugged back in.

His undercover plan doesn't quite work out the way he wants, however, and he's forced to eject himself from the Matrix and dispose of the team's operator, Tank, with an advanced electricity cannon.

Murdering several other members of the team, Cypher, while revealing his evil plan to Neo and Trinity, is startled to see that Tank is still alive, and is satisfyingly blasted to death with that very same weapon.

Accepting pills from a stranger dressed in black was never going to end well.

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The Matrix
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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.