10 Movie Villains So Awesome They Ruined Their Franchise

3. Pinhead - Hellraiser

The Dark Knight Joker
New World Pictures

It's easy to forget that Doug Bradley's Pinhead was barely in Hellraiser at all. Far from the series' primary antagonist, this demon (plus cenobites) was summoned to punish sleazy Frank for his sins, rather than making for the film's driving force itself. Tell that to those who mined a franchise from Pinhead though, bringing the iconic monster back for film after film, no matter how little sense it made.

The problem only worsened once the iconic Bradley left the franchise, replaced as Pinhead by a chubby-faced wannabe who, through little fault of his own, quickly became the Internet's punching bag. Never has a franchise been so perfectly set up to stand on its own two feet without a repeat villain or recurring storylines. This has never really happened though. A Hellraiser film without Pinhead? For better or worse, unimaginable.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.