10 Movie Villains So Dumb They Deserved To Fail

5. Voldemort - The Harry Potter Franchise

Harry Potter Voldemort Death
Warner Bros.

In Voldemort's mind, Harry Potter is his arch-nemesis. After all, The Boy Who Lived has impeded Voldemort's plans for world domination ever since he was born.

But based on all available evidence, the sworn enemy of He Who Shall Not Be Named isn't Harry Potter... it's himself. Although Voldemort is supposed to work from the shadows, he constantly puts himself in danger.

Rather than hiding Nagini away, the noseless wizard allows the serpent to follow him in battle, even though she contains a part of his soul. This means Voldemort allowed his glaring weakness take part in the final fight, knowing she could be killed (which is exactly what happens).

He also doesn't let his underlings kill Harry, since he wants to perform the deed himself. Harry could've been murdered ten times over, if Voldemort didn't care about who got the credit.

Also, all of Voldemort's plans are needlessly complicated. In The Goblet of Fire, Voldemort uses dark magic to allow Harry into the Tri-Wizard tournament, so he can use the boy's blood to bring himself back to full power. But since the Death Eater, Barty, was disguised as Harry's teacher, it would've been easier if he took a sample of Harry's blood. After all, the plan would only work if Harry won the tournament, meaning Voldemort's entire plan relied on complete chance.

Voldemort may be staggering powerful, but he's not too smart, since he's been repeatedly defeated by a bunch of kids (including Harry when he was a baby.)

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