10 Movie Villains So Dumb They Deserved To Fail

6. Lars Thorwald - Rear Window

Harry Potter Voldemort Death

In Rear Window, professional photographer, Jeff (played by Jimmy Stewart), finds himself confined to a wheelchair for several weeks. To keep himself busy, he looks outside his window and studies the day-to-day activities of his neighbours. When he suspects one of the tenants, Lars Thorwald, murdered his wife, Jeff tries to confirm his suspicions.

When Thorwald learns Jeff is spying on him during the third act, he confronts the photographer in his apartment, preparing to kill him. As Thorwald approaches him, Jeff sets off a camera flashbulb, momentarily blinding the intruder. Jeff does this four times, stunning Thorwald long enough for the police to arrive and arrest him.

However, Thorwald could've easily killed Jeff if he simply looked away from the flash. At no point does Thorwald attempt to shield his eyes, despite the fact he can clearly see Jeff's plan in action. Instead of sprinting towards him, the murderer marches at a leisurely pace, giving Jeff plenty of time to repeatedly stun him with the flash.

Even though Thorwald acts like a calculating mastermind most of the time, he becomes a complete nitwit during this climax.

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