10 Movie Villains That Upstaged Other Villains

9. Jaws - The Spy Who Loved Me & Moonraker

Hellboy Kroenen

With over 60 years and 25 movies since the character's first cinematic appearance in Dr. No, James Bond has faced up against his fair share of big bads, from the genocidal maniacs who threatened the entire planet, to those who offered a more personal threat to 007. Naturally, some of these characters were better than others.

One of the franchise's most memorable bad guys is Jaws, Richard Kiel's seven-foot monster who came face-to-teeth with Bond on two separate occasions. In any discussion about the best Bond villains, Jaws will typically be brought up before either Karl Stromberg (Curt Jürgens) or Hugo Drax (Michael Lonsdale), the bosses for which he was a henchman in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker, respectfully.

Someone of Jaws' hulking stature was always going to raise an eyebrow or two, and with the ability to inject a little comedy into the more eccentric and over-the-top chapters of the Bond franchise in which he featured, he managed to outshine even the men he worked for.

Jaws was such a strong addition to The Spy Who Loved Me in 1977, he was brought back for another appearance two years later in Moonraker, something that not too many Bond villains are able to boast. Even with his role relegated to comedic effect more so than an intimidating enforcer in the latter, and in a movie not received as well as its predecessor, Jaws still managed to retain his own status as a franchise legend.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.