10 Movie Villains That Were Total Fanboys

4. Syndrome - The Incredibles

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Electro

Fanboy villains don't get much more blatant than The Incredibles' Buddy Pine (Jason Lee), who as a 10-year-old boy idolised superhero Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and even attempted to fight alongside him as a sidekick under the name IncrediBoy.

But when this results in near-disaster, Mr. Incredible rejects Buddy, causing him to bitterly reinvent himself as a supervillain called Syndrome, re-emerging 15 years later with a bevy of high-tech gadgets which he hopes will make the very idea of superheroism obsolete.

Back in 2004, the idea of a jilted superhero fanboy turning into a supervillain seemed incredibly ahead of its time.

And in an era where superhero movie fandom and discourse is regularly unbearable, and so-called "fans" often seem intent on tearing down the very thing they supposedly love, it's a notion that's aged so very well.

Surprisingly enough for a family-friendly movie, Syndrome isn't merely captured and incarcerated at film's end - he's quite literally hoist by his own petard when his cape ends up caught in one of his plane's turbines, causing him to get sucked into it and brutally killed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.