10 Movie Villains That Were Total Fanboys
4. Syndrome - The Incredibles
Fanboy villains don't get much more blatant than The Incredibles' Buddy Pine (Jason Lee), who as a 10-year-old boy idolised superhero Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and even attempted to fight alongside him as a sidekick under the name IncrediBoy.
But when this results in near-disaster, Mr. Incredible rejects Buddy, causing him to bitterly reinvent himself as a supervillain called Syndrome, re-emerging 15 years later with a bevy of high-tech gadgets which he hopes will make the very idea of superheroism obsolete.
Back in 2004, the idea of a jilted superhero fanboy turning into a supervillain seemed incredibly ahead of its time.
And in an era where superhero movie fandom and discourse is regularly unbearable, and so-called "fans" often seem intent on tearing down the very thing they supposedly love, it's a notion that's aged so very well.
Surprisingly enough for a family-friendly movie, Syndrome isn't merely captured and incarcerated at film's end - he's quite literally hoist by his own petard when his cape ends up caught in one of his plane's turbines, causing him to get sucked into it and brutally killed.