10 Movie Villains That Were Total Fanboys
3. Rowan North - Ghostbusters (2016)

The 2016 Ghostbusters reboot featured a villain by the name of Rowan North (Neil Casey) - a mad scientist occultist with a god complex and major chip on his shoulder about unspecified bullying which happened to him in the past.
His plan? To flood New York City with ghosts to basically get revenge on a world he hates.
And while Rowan himself isn't a scorned fanboy of the Ghostbusters, his character was very clearly designed to be a thinly-veiled parody of overzealous Ghostbusters fanboys themselves.
The second that Sony announced an all-female Ghostbusters reboot was in the works, the usual suspects took to social media to moan that their childhood was being pissed on, and much of that petulant, misplaced energy feels apparent in the hateful man-child Rowan.
Hell, he even ends up literally turning into a kaiju-sized version of the ghost in the Ghostbusters logo, not-so-subtly symbolising that he's literally made Ghostbusters his entire damn personality.
Hilariously, Paul Feig aggressively thumbs his nose at the movie's haters by having Rowan ultimately be defeated when the Ghostbusters fire their proton packs right into his dick.