10 Movie Villains Who Became Heroes In The Sequel

6. Mini-Me - Austin Powers in Goldmember

Movie Sequels Hero Villain
New Line Cinema

Mini-Me (Verne Troyer) is one of the most iconic characters in the Austin Powers franchise, introduced in the second film, The Spy Who Shagged Me, as a dwarf clone of the villainous Dr. Evil (Mike Myers). 

Throughout the film, Dr. Evil's son Scott (Seth Green) grows jealous of the paternal bond his father develops with his diminutive clone.

In sequel Goldmember however, Mini-Me decides to defect from the bad side after Dr. Evil rejects him in favour of Scott, who has begun to embrace his own evil instincts.

Mini-Me doesn't just team up with Austin (Mike Myers) and company, though, he even flat-out dons his own adorable Mini-Austin uniform for good measure. 

But that's not all either - in the ending, Dr. Evil himself also decides to switch sides after learning that Austin is his brother, with the former nemeses teaming up to stop Goldmember's (again, Mike Myers) nefarious plot to destroy the world.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.