10 Movie Villains Who Became Heroes In The Sequel

5. Leatherface - Texas Chainsaw 3D

Movie Sequels Hero Villain

Aside from being quite needlessly released in 3D, 2013's direct sequel to the original The Texas Chain Saw Massacre made one especially bold change to the series' formula - turning chainsaw-wielding murderer Leatherface (Dan Yeager) into something of an anti-hero.

Though much of the movie sees Leatherface ripping through anyone with a pulse as per usual, in the second half of the story he turns his chainsaw towards the corrupt authorities who were responsible for his family being murdered decades prior.

Moreover, Leatherface teams up with protagonist Heather (Alexandra Daddario) after it's revealed that they're cousins, allowing him to exact brutal, justified revenge against the cops and save Heather's life in the process.

This strange alteration to Leatherface's allegiance didn't exactly go down well with fans - who still hear the phrase "Do your thing, cuz" in their nightmares - but such is what happens when a franchise gets so blatantly long in the tooth that producers will throw any random idea at the wall to see if it sticks.

Unsurprisingly, neither of the Texas Chainsaw movies released since have tried to pull off the same gambit again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.