10 Movie Villains Who Became Heroes In The Sequel

4. Zed McGlunk - Police Academy 3: Back in Training

Movie Sequels Hero Villain
Warner Bros.

Even if you haven't seen the Police Academy movies in many years, you can probably still hear the unmistakably off-kilter vocal stylings of criminal-turned-cop Zed McGlunk (Bobcat Goldthwait).

Zed first appeared in Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment as the primary antagonist - the unhinged leader of the violent gang known as The Scullions. 

Zed is arrested in the ending, but because Bobcat Goldthwait's performance in the role was just so damn good, he returned for Police Academy 3: Back in Training, with a reformed Zed now trying out for the police academy.

Granted, villains can make an implausible turn for the heroic far more easily in a silly comedy that isn't tethered quite so firmly to reality, but it was nevertheless a neat way to keep Goldthwait in the franchise without simply having him do the same Zed shtick again.

Better yet, he even got a love interest in Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol, because why the heck not?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.