10 Movie Villains Who Deserved MUCH WORSE

7. Terence Fletcher - Whiplash

Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy
Sony Pictures Classics

J.K. Simmons has received well-deserved plaudits for his portrayal of Invincible's Superman-gone-bad villain Omni-Man, an insane and dangerous alien who could destroy the world with a thought if he wanted. On the other end of that spectrum, Simmons brought to life an equally, if not even more so, despicable villain in Damien Chazelle's Whiplash.

Terence Fletcher didn't need superpowers or the same kind of physical intimidation to become as hated as Omni-Man. The fact that a music teacher could reach the levels of hatred that Fletcher did in 2014 is a sheer testament to Simmons' talent.

As the conductor of the prestigious Shaffer Conservatory Studio Band, Fletcher had no issue physically or verbally abusing his students over the slightest of errors, and even drove one of his previous drummers to a level of anxiety so unbearable that they took their own life. Terrence was eventually sacked from his post for this, though in losing his job he didn't lose the position of power he held over aspiring musicians that he was more than happy to abuse.

The film's ending saw Fletcher leading another band, and while he tried to use it to get revenge on Andrew (Miles Teller) for getting him fired, he realised that this student had the fire and the drive he was looking for. The smile shared between the two at the end vindicated both Fletcher and his methods, and proved that his power would remain to be abused going forward.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.