10 Movie Villains Who Died Happy

2. Poppy Adams - Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Kingsman The Golden Circle Poppy
20th Century Studios

Kingsman: The Golden Circle was a pretty damn disappointing sequel all things considered, and while it didn't exactly give the great Julianne Moore tons to do with her villain Poppy Adams, she at least got a memorably deranged death scene to work with.

After all, tripping hella balls on your own super-charged heroin supply sure is one way to go.

Poppy, the leader of the titular drugs cartel, meets her end when Eggsy (Taron Egerton) injects her with a massive dose of her own toxin-laced heroin.

Though this quickly causes Poppy to overdose and die, that's not before she enjoys one hell of a euphoric high, an almost Joker-like smile plastered across her face as she flirts with Harry (Colin Firth), no matter that her body is already evidently shutting down.

Ironically, Eggsy didn't actually intend to kill Poppy, but rather inject her with a dose of toxic heroin so she'd be hand over the password to her laptop in exchange for an antidote.

But as it turns out, Eggsy isn't so good with portioning out his drugs, and so accidentally stuck her with a weapons-grade dose of the stuff, killing her in a fraction of the intended time. All the same, Poppy went out grinning from ear to ear.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.