10 Movie Villains Who Foreshadow Their Biggest Fears

7. Hoskins Notes How Blue's Loyalty Cannot Be Bought - Jurassic World

The Dark Knight Two-Face Harvey Dent

In the unveiling of his grand plan to eventually utilise the once-extinct beasties being housed in Jurassic World as biological weapons in the real-world, Vincent D'Onofrio's Vic Hoskins seemed to hint at perhaps his only real fear when it came to setting this scheme into motion.

As he puts it when discussing the potential game-changing velociraptors to Chris Pratt's dino wrangler Owen Grady:

"Their loyalty cannot be bought."

Unfortunately for Hoskins, that's something he'd eventually discover for himself in the flesh in the film's closing stages. When attempting to keep said dino-weapon dream alive by gaining possession of a few more embryos, Hoskins is ultimately stopped in his tracks by one of Owen's trusty raptors, Delta, at the lab.

It's here when the despicable InGen head of security operations attempts to convince the incoming predator that they were both "on the same side". Sure enough, remaining fiercely loyal to the person who'd helped raise her, Delta instead opted to attack Hoskins there and then, protecting Owen and the gang whilst killing the person she'd clearly wanted to chow down on for some time.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...