10 Movie Villains Who Made One Wrong Move

2. Jill Roberts - Scream 4

Scream 4 Jill Emma Roberts
Dimension Films

The Wrong Move

The second Ghostface killer, Jill Roberts (Emma Roberts), so very nearly got away with it, for despite having perhaps the smartest (if also most convoluted) exit strategy of any of the series' killers, she also made the most egregious screw-up.

Jill pins the killings on others and frames herself as the perfect victim - the new Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), if you like.

And though Jill makes the mistake of leaving Sidney alive, this could've been easily remedied at the hospital were it not for Jill getting sloppy and mentioning to Dewey (David Arquette) that herself and Gale (Courtney Cox) had "matching wounds."

Gale's arm injury had not been made public yet, tipping Dewey off to the fact that Jill was one of the real killers, and causing Jill's attempted murder of Sidney at the hospital to be interrupted by himself, Gale and Officer Hicks (Marley Shelton).

This eventually leads to Sidney killing Jill with a defibrillator to the head. All because of her loose lips.

What They Should've Done

Kept her damn mouth shut and not got over-confident with the whole victim facade. If she hadn't accidentally clued Dewey in, she would've been able to kill Sidney free of interruptions.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.