10 Movie Villains Who Tried To Cheat Death

2. Castillo Sermano - House Of The Dead

House Of The Dead Castillo Sermano
Artisan Entertainment

His Plan: Alright, so this one's a bit of a wild card. Castillo Sermano may not be as well known as the other villains on this list, and Uwe Boll's 2003 House of the Dead adaptation is almost universally regarded as a terrible movie, but Sermano's plan for immortality deserves its place here simply because it led to one of the most hilariously, infamously terrible one-liners in movie history.

His plan? Sermano was a 15th-century Spanish priest who invented an immortality serum, which he used on himself many centuries ago and has been using ever since to build a zombie army.

His scheme was handily typified by this outrageous exchange, where one of his prisoners asked him, "You created it all so you could be immortal. Why?", and Sermano, with a totally straight face, gave him the obvious answer, "To live forever". When you think of bad guys attempting to avoid death, it's practically impossible not to hear the hammy line reading of "to live forever..." rattling around in your head.

What Happened?: In the final battle, Sermano eventually died after being decapitated and having his head crushed. Apparently an immortality serum doesn't mean squat if someone turns your head into a crater. Who knew?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.