10 Movie Villains Who Were More Far Interesting Than The Heroes

5. The Joker - The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Either Heath Ledger's portrayal of Batman's nemesis in The Dark Knight or Jack Nicholson's in Tim Burton's Batman could have made this list, but Ledger's performance wins over in the end. Ledger turns The Joker into an unwieldy psychopath motivated by nothing but carnage. Christian Bale's Batman is an imposing figure so Joker uses alternative means to intimidate Bruce Wayne and unleash hell over Gotham City. Joker is sadistic, cruel and careless and his lack of motivation is what makes him interesting. Christopher Nolan gives Joker what all great villains need, and that is a great entrance, and with the slick bank heist, he gets one. Bale's Batman is all growling machismo and is by nature a fairly one-dimensional character, unlike The Joker and Ledger was seemingly given free will to create his own interpretation and backstory of the character. Joker is a man without a plan with a will to watch the world burn, and he just makes Bruce Wayne/Batman look a little plain in comparison.

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