10 Movie Weddings That Were More Like The Real Deal

8. Rachel Getting Married

Rachel Getting Married is now remembered for the way in which it introduced Anne Hathaway as a serious, adult actress. However, it also featured a penetrating look at upper-crust, liberal rancor threatening to tear apart a eclectic, bohemian wedding. Of course, this quality makes the film essential to this list. Rachel Getting Married has all the attributes found in real weddings: stressed out parents, massive ego trips and volatile familial relationships. It also expresses the boundless creativity and stirring emotion that can define such celebrations. Some of the film's many highlights include: Bill Irwin as a strained patriarch desperate for his children to get along; the moving, complex bond between Hathaway's Kim and Rosemarie Dewitt's titular Rachel; and finally Jonathan Demme's sensitive, believable and docu-drama style. All of this helped lend credibility to the film's main tagline: "This is not your family. But this is your family."

Adam Mohrbacher has been afflicted with an obession for film since his earliest memories. In addition to his work with WhatCulture, Adam has been a contributor with Filmophilia.com, FilmMonthly.com and Examiner.com. You can also check out his personal blog here: adammohrbacher@wordpress.com. A devoted fan of all film genres and styles, Adam gets equally giddy over the sensitive, existential musings of Ingmar Bergman, and the brawny brilliance of Arnold Schwartzenegger. He loves fish tacos and misses the work of Heath Ledger and Jack Lemmon on a daily basis.