10 Movie Weddings That Were More Like The Real Deal

7. About Schmidt

About Schmidt is the second entry to this list featuring Dermot Mulroney getting married, and is also a film which features Jack Nicholson's last great performance. One of the most interesting aspects of the character is his volatile relationship to the impending marriage of his only daughter, which can mainly be attributed to writer/director Alexander Payne and to Nicholson's amazing acting. This characteristic indicates a broad, common feature of weddings. Quite often, these events become constructs in which to view the anxieties of those in attendance. In the case of Warren Schmidt (played by Nicholson), his daughter's wedding represents the final movement towards his complete irrelevance, which helps explain some of his childish behavior. And yet, like all real weddings, the ceremony and celebration at the heart of About Schmidt offers a complex web of emotions and dynamics. Due to the efficacy of Payne's writing, Schmidt's actions are always grounded in the recognizable. We can understand his fear, his anger, and, at certain moments his love.

Adam Mohrbacher has been afflicted with an obession for film since his earliest memories. In addition to his work with WhatCulture, Adam has been a contributor with Filmophilia.com, FilmMonthly.com and Examiner.com. You can also check out his personal blog here: adammohrbacher@wordpress.com. A devoted fan of all film genres and styles, Adam gets equally giddy over the sensitive, existential musings of Ingmar Bergman, and the brawny brilliance of Arnold Schwartzenegger. He loves fish tacos and misses the work of Heath Ledger and Jack Lemmon on a daily basis.