10 Movies Actors Thought Would Suck (But Were Awesome)

6. Donald Sutherland & Elliott Gould Tried To Get Director Robert Altman Fired For "Ruining" M*A*S*H*

The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger

Robert Altman's legendary war satire M*A*S*H* starred, among others, Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould, both of whom clashed with Altman throughout the production.

Legend dictates that the two actors took major issue with Altman's unconventional shooting style, namely having actors talk over one another to emulate real-life conversation, and also feeling that he spent too much time working with the film's extras.

As a result, the pair allegedly spent a large portion of their time on the movie trying to get Altman fired by the bigwigs at 20th Century Fox, albeit unsuccessfully.

The two assumed that, under Altman's rule, M*A*S*H* was destined for failure, a fact that Gould confessed to Altman in private some time later.

As a result, Gould and Altman became good friends and Gould appeared in a number of the director's subsequent features, yet Altman never worked with Sutherland again.

As for M*A*S*H*? It was a massive commercial success and received five Oscar nominations - including Best Picture and Best Director - while scooping a win for Best Adapted Screenplay.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.